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Social Skills Solutions-
A Hands-On Manual for Teaching Social Skills to Children with Autism
1st Edition
Available for sale at Building Steps

Social Skills Solutions is a unique, hands-on manual that provides instruction on building a social skills program from ten different comprehensive modules, all geared toward the specific diagnostic and social deficits of children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Creative and motivating strategies provide concrete ideas on specific topics, each broken down into simple steps for using behavioral methods, visual aids, video modeling, and naturally occurring situations to facilitate social skills learning. This book offers readers the tools for teaching children pivotal skills using meaningful, fun, and practical activities. Designed initially, and still widely and internationally used today, as the "go-to" tool for educators, parents and professionals to reference, lear about and teach social skills to children with autism.
211 pages, appendix, glossary, resources and literature review, bibliography. By Janis Krempa, M.Ed, BCBA & Kelly McKinnon, MA, BCBA